Form1 VB Task Switcher Form1 TaskList Switch Switch TaskEnder End Task Command1_Click SendMessage Form1T hTheWnd WM_GETTEXTI Text1& Form_Click @ Form_Load NumWnds OpenWindows GetOpenWindows\ OpenWindown IntegerDim Text2 TaskList_Clickk WindowName TaskList nLength Switch_Click ListIndex! ActivateApp FillTaskList Form_GotFocus TaskListBox GetFocus LB_RESETCONTENT6 TaskList_DblClick Switch{ Click Value OpenTask TaskEnder_Click EndTask Hints reads part< Application Notes 1. Do not set the Sorted Property of the list box to TRUE. Doing so will have frustrating, albeit humorous, repercussions. 2. Unlike Task Manager, this application will _not_ close if you move the focus to another application. This was not meant to be a completely implemented Task Manager-like application; it wasw meant to demonstrate a possible use of the GetWindowList function.o (Even though I guess I did get a little carried away... The VB app took much longer to write than the DLL did.) 3. (EXE only) If there are no windows (other than VBSWITCH) on the desktop when VBSWITCH is loaded, you may get an Invalid Property Valuel error. The solution to this is (as they say) left as an exercise for the reader (Hint: look for the code that reads, in part:r TaskListBox.ListIndex = 0 and consider wrapping it an a conditional that checks the number of items in the list box...) Form_Load Switch_Click TaskList_DblClick Switch.Value = -1 ' A listbox doubleclick acts like a switch push TaskEnder_Click